Estate assistance

When you lose a loved one, knowing that a professional and experienced team is looking after the legal and administrative aspects can take a great deal of pressure off your mind. This allows loved ones to concentrate on the grieving process and the mutual comfort they need.

Here is a list of the administrative formalities we can take care of at your request. Please note that certain essential formalities, such as declaring the death to the Directeur de l'État Civil, checking the Office de la Protection du Consommateur's register of funeral pre-arrangements, and cancelling the health insurance card, are automatically included in all our services, regardless of which service you choose.

List of the administrative formalities

  • Search the register of funeral pre-arrangements held by the Office de Protection du Consommateur (OPC);
  • Complete and send the Declaration of Death (DEC-100) to the Directeur de l'État civil du Québec;
  • Complete the form from the Directeur de l'État Civil to obtain an official copy of the death certificate;
  • Apply to Retraite Québec for the death benefit ($2,500.00) and provide proof of payment;
  • Cancel the Old Age Security and/or Canada Pension Plan benefit;
  • Notify Service Canada of the death of the holder of a social insurance card;
  • Notify the Régie d'Assurance Maladie du Québec of the death of the holder of a health insurance card;
  • Notify the Régie d'Assurance Automobile du Québec of the death of a driver's licence holder;
  • Notify the authorities of the death of a firearms licence holder;
  • Cancel a hunter's or trapper's certificate;
  • Cancel a passport;
  • Cancel disabled parking permits;
  • Provide attestations of death from your affiliate (funeral home);
  • Provide certificates of absence from work (if required) to family members;
  • Complete the Retraite Québec form to obtain a surviving spouse's pension;
  • Complete the Retraite Québec form to obtain the orphan's pension;
  • Inform the various government authorities responsible for GST/QST credits;
  • Provide proof of death to the family notary (if required);
  • Provide documents for will search requests;
  • Provide documents for cancellation of CNESST benefits (if applicable).
Estate assistance